Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Are You the nanny??

When you live on the upper west side there are some things that you get use to. The women who don't wear bras in the summer with white sun dresses. The the smell of dog pee on every block because everyone has a dog, and of course the nanny's with the very expensive strollers. No matter where you go in this neighborhood you will see nanny's with anywhere between 1 and 3 children. Most of these nanny's are Latina, African America, or West Indian.

Growing up in a Puerto Rican lower middle income household the idea of a nanny did not exist. If you needed someone to take care of your kids for the night you had a family member or the neighbor who also has kids to babysit for you. Even now, I have a hard time with the idea of getting a nanny even thought I might need one in the near future.

After being home for the first three months of my sons life I decided that I wanted to take Gymboree classes. I thought it would be a good to have some place to go twice a week and I would have a chance to meet other moms who lived in the neighborhood. My mom and my sister said that I would probably meet nanny's, but I didn't think moms would want their nanny's to take their kids to Gymboree since its such a wonderful bonding experience.  I went to my first class and to my surprised, all the adults were nanny's, I was the only mom.  It's really strange to be the only parent in a room with 12 other women.  It turns out that not only do the nanny's take the babies to Gymboree, some of the moms are home and they send the nanny instead of going themselves.. Now I get the whole nanny thing if you decide to go back to work, work from home, or if you have multiple small children at home and you need the extra help. But to be a stay home mom who also has a nanny and doesn't take the opportunity to do things with your baby like Gymboree, I just don't get it.

Check out the nanny it the upper right corner
I learned real quick that I was a strange duck in this pond of nanny's. Not only did I stay home with my son and take care of him without help, I am a Latina woman who lives in this neighborhood (who also has an expensive stroller). When I looked around the Gymboree class, the street and the park, I realized that I looked like the nanny. It became normal for people to ask me if I was Francisco's mother or his nanny. I am fair skinned, and obviously Latina, my son is also fair and it is possible that he doesn't belong to me even though I think he looks like me. The sad thing is, I don't get offended. How can I?, it's the culture of this neighborhood and my situation is very rare.

After a couple of weeks in my Gymboree class I did meet some mothers who stayed home with their children without any help and we have become friends.  I've also made friends with some of the nanny's, and while nanny's tend to stick together I don't see why I can't become friends with them since there or more of them around.  Besides I'll need a nanny in the future and this gives me a chance to do some head hunting...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Addicted to Yarn..

I think it's very important for people to have a hobby.  Hobbies allow people to relax and get away in their own little world of fun and relaxation.  Some people like to rock climb, others collect things, I crochet.  I have been crocheting for almost 10 years and it has become my way to tune out and just think about one thing, my yarn.  I know this sounds crazy but I believe that all of my yarn has a destiny (I know I sound like Phoebe from friends).  You have to see it from my perspective one moment I have a basket of yarn, and in a couple of hours, days, or weeks you have something that no longer looks like a ball of yarn.  I now have have a blanket, sweater, hat or doll and my yarn has reached its destiny.

My friends have told me that I should sell what I make, but I mostly enjoy making things as gifts. I love to give baby blankets at baby showers or a hat and scarf for Christmas I feel that a gift is much more special if you make it.  These days I love to make stuff for my son. I've made him a blanket, several hats, dolls and with my new loom I've made him burping cloths.

If your not familiar with the yarn arts you might not know the difference between knitting and crocheting. Knitting requires 2 straight needles and crocheting is one needle with a hook at the end. They both produce very different results. People always ask if I'm a knitter, I wish I could knit as well as I crocheted but sadly I don't. What I have started doing is weaving. Martha Stewart hooked up (no pun intended) with Lion Brand Yarn and now has her own line of yarn. She also created and awesome loom that allows you to weave and knit. While I have not figured out how to knit yet, I have been weaving away. So far I have started a baby blanket, an apron, and I have made 4 burping cloths. Weaving has been so much fun and I plan to start making a large blanket.

When people think about a women who knit or crochet they think of the grandma who makes ugly sweaters for her grandchildren; I am not that old lady yet.  I know that crocheting will always be part of my life.  One day I will be that grandma making sweaters for my grandchildren, I'm hoping they won't be ugly...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Show Me How You Burlesque...

Throughout my life I have always been active in some way, either with dance, gymnastics, or my unsuccessful attempts to go to the gym.  When I was pregnant I did some yoga because my best friend swore by it.  For those of you who don't know me, I really hate yoga.  I signed up for a  prepaid series of classes by my house and I just took the lost and stopped going because I would become so relaxed that I would get annoyed and irritated...I did a lot of walking instead..

My main concern when I found out that I was pregnant was bouncing back after...Today you see all these celebrities who have babies and a few months later they are on the red carpet looking better then they did before their pregnancy.  I don't have the money for a private trainer, I knew that joining another gym would be a waste of money; I needed to figure out what would work for me.

I have been very lucky because it was been such a mild winter that I've been able to go on many long walks in the park.  I've also played a lot of just dance on my wii, now before you start laughing let me explain how that video game is a really good cardio workout and you really build up a sweat.  My husband told me to do push ups, and then he got me a kettle ball that came with a DVD that have three 15 minute workouts, I did that a couple of times (did I mention how much I hate to workout).

Okay....we all know that if your going to get into shape you also need to change your eating habits.  Now I was not the only one in my house that was trying to get back into shape.  My husband and I decided that we would do a detox for the month of January (after all the major eating holiday's).  This meant no alcohol, sweets, or carbs for a whole month.  Have you tried to go a whole month without eating bread?? it sucks!!  For about 2 weeks I was very grumpy, mainly because I was hungry and I've never been hungry on purpose before...I actually yelled at my husband about the amount of potatoes he was serving me...

During this crazy month of hunger and grumpiness I also became very frustrated with the fact that I was not getting out the house enough on my own; I needed me time in the worst way...So I was hungry, grumpy, and frustrated with cabin fever.  If I didn't schedule some serious me time someone would get hurt (my husband since he was withholding the potatoes).  I finally said, I need to invest some money into a couple of classes this way I a scheduled to leave the house and my husband would need to be home to take care of the baby. 

I decided to do what every woman does when she is trying to get rid of those last 5 baby pounds, I took a burlesque class...Okay, so every woman doesn't do that, but that's what I did and it has been so much fun and a great workout.  Once this class is over I plan on taking more dance classes, not just to stay in shape but to keep my sanity...I no longer feel frustrated, I'm eating bread again and now I have a sexy dance I can do for my husband...Sorry was that too much info??

If your interested in taking a burlesque class, or any class with a Broadway theme check out broadwaybodies.com . They also teach classes that focus on popular music such as Micheal Jackson, Lady Ga Ga, and Britney Spears. The teachers are awesome and the workout is great!

Monday, March 5, 2012

You Know Your a Parent When....

When my son was 2 weeks old I was talking to my sister while getting ready to go out to dinner with my family and my new baby boy.  I looked at myself in the mirror, looked at her and said, "I know I'm a mother because I'm not going to change my shirt even though I'm wrinkled and there is some pee on it."  The main reason I didn't want to change my shirt beside laziness, was the fact that you weren't able to see the fat that was still lingering after only giving birth 2 weeks earlier...

That's the shirt...
For the last 6 months I've had several unforgettable moments where I say to myself, okay I get it I'm a mother; here are a few of those moments...
  • I went for my 6 week pelvic exam after having my son and nobody was available to watch him.  Waiting took longer then expected and by the time I was called in Francisco was fussy and hungry.  My doctor told me to take my time and feed him, but he wasn't having it.  I thought I was going to have to reschedule for another day, instead I ended up breast feeding him while getting my pelvic exam...fun...
  • I went to TD Bank with my friend Nia, it was a nice day and I was wearing a summer dress.  Francisco was being fussy and didn't want to be in his stroller so I was holding him.  As we were waiting on line I felt something warm on my body.  I moved Francisco away from me and that is when I saw it, the big wet spot on my dress.  But wait there's more...not only did he pee on me, he continued to pee all over the floor of TD Bank... Miraculously, the pee came from the side of his diaper and when it leaked none of the pee got on his onesie just on me and the floor.
  • All my life I have seen my friends go and get family portraits done (family pictures at Sears...lol) .  My family never did that so I always found it to be strange to take a staged family photograph... At my baby shower my sister & brother-in-law gave me a gift certificate to a place called Portrait Bug where I could take pictures of the baby and get a special package of 3 pictures in a frame.  When Francisco became 3 months I went and had pictures taken.  Oh My Gosh!!! I was hooked.  So far I have gone in for three sessions and not only have I bought pictures every time, I put them in frames the same day I pick them up.  So I have become one of those parents and I plan on getting many family portraits taken in the future... (I have a 4th appointment at the end of this week)
I know that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and I'm in for hundreds of special and laughable moments when I'll say to myself "this is the life of being a Mom".  I will continue to share the extra funny moments... What are some of your eye opening moments of parenthood?  I would love for you to share them in the comments box, I'm sure everyone has some great stories...

Friday, March 2, 2012

A Day in the Life of a Mother on a Rainy Day at Home...

A couple of days ago I wrote about how I literally have nothing to talk about other then my son and being a mother. It's days like today that are the cause of that problem.  Yesterday was a rainy day and I decided to just stay home and be a couch potato since I had no plans. Many people ask me what its like to stay home everyday so I thought I would share my lazy day at home...

7:00am - Woke up to feed Francisco.

8:00am - Woke up and moved Francisco to my bed because he seemed fussy and unsettled.

9:30am - My husband woke me up because the super showed up to fix the bathroom sink in the bedroom.  Since I didn't know when he would be back I got up and we moved the baby upstairs, he slept for another 30-40 minutes. When Francisco woke up, I changed his diaper and he was in the middle of peeing, so....he got pee all over my pants but didn't get any on the sofa and that's what matters.

Between 9:30 & noon I ate some cereal, watched Lost Girl, played with Francisco and worked on the burping cloth I started weaving the night before.. Now playing means making him laugh so hard that he screams.  I have come to realize that I love the sound of his laugh more then anything else...

At around 12:30 Francisco took his first nap of the day.  I took advantage of this; I worked on my blog, watched some TV and I started working on another burping cloth.  I also made myself a salad.  I wanted to make some coffee but I would have woke him up grinding the beans.  Francisco slept until around 2:30.

Finally made coffee at around 3:00..

I would also like to mention that between 7am & 3:00pm I changed his diaper around 3 times, I washed his bottles, I changed his clothes and I discovered that he now enjoys playing peek-a-boo.

(Right now as I'm writing this my lovely son is producing a fantastically dirty diaper, I hear him grunting while playing with his ball...This means I must stop writing for a moment before the mess becomes out of hand, a dirty diaper can become a wardrobe change or even a bath if its not addressed right away...My days are so exciting...)

Between 3:00 & 4:00 I attempted to feed Francisco applesauce.  He ate 2 spoons and made a mess spiting out the applesauce I attempted to give him after those 2 spoons.. After around 10 minutes of that he started to make his frustrated sounds and face and gave me the sign for milk.. I gave up on the applesauce and made him a bottle...

Notice I haven't mentioned anything about taking a shower yet...

Between 4:00 & 7:30 Francisco took another nap after playing in his walker.  I made myself some dinner, a tuna burger and salad.  I did a little social networking, posted pictures of my burping cloths, read Crystal's blog, liked Erica's new facebook page, & finished and posted my blog.  Francisco woke up, I put him back in his walker and as I was starting to wash the dishes my husband came home..

After my husband came home I washed the dishes, took a long shower, changed into another set of pj's, and continued working on this blog while he fed the baby.  So there you go, that was my day... Francisco will go to sleep at around 10:30 after drinking another bottle.  Once he is asleep and in his crib I will pour myself a glass of wine and enjoy a couple of hours to relax with my husband (if he is not asleep on the couch), and off to bed so I can do it all again tomorrow...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Learn Some Stroller Etiquette Please...

 Etiquette: manners and rules that we use in social settings basically so we don't piss people off. 

Rules of etiquette are usually unwritten so unfortunately people tend not to have much etiquette, manners or consideration for others.  I actually grew up in a home where my parents stressed good manners, and consideration for others.  Of course they taught me to say please and thank you, but the also taught me to be mind full and considerate of the people around me.

When something new enters our society, like cell phones a whole new set of unspoken rules are written (unspoken being the operative word).  What I've come to fund out is that people don't have the good sense to know or follow these rules, they don't even realize that they are being rude.  For instance (and this is my biggest pet peeve) if your listening to music and you start to talk to someone, don't just turn off your music take off your headphones.  I feel this basic phone etiquette and is especially important when you are ordering something like food or coffee; give the people who are serving you the respect of your attention.

Sorry, I went into a mini rant, I really want to talk about some of the things I have witnessed out on the streets of New York City (mostly the Upper West Side) since I've become a mother.  I feel that there needs to be some kind of basic etiquette for parents and non parents.  Some people naturally do things that are polite, but I have come to find out that most people just look out for themselves...

These days strollers are ginormous, I am also guilty of having one.  I think the difference between myself and a lot of women out there is that I am perfectly aware that my stroller takes up way too much space and I do my best to get out of peoples way. Most of the time this is what I see.

1) The stroller wall: 3-4 women lined up next to each other walking down the street blocking everyone else from being able to get by.  2 women walking together takes up space, but when you get the wall there is just no place to go.

2) Stroller Block: Women who leave their stroller somewhere in the aisle of a store blocking everything.  This is particularly fun at the 74th Street Fairway where this isn't even room the people shopping with small baskets.

3) Stroller right of way: blocking the sidewalk with your stroller and not allowing the person with the stroller in the street to get on the sidewalk first.  This has to do with safety, now that I can block the path of people with my Cadillac of strollers I make sure to give people who are in the street the right of way especially other people with strollers and children.

4) Help me face:  Women take their very large strollers to places that have stairs, like the train.  If there is no elevator I've seen women linger at the bottom of the stairs hoping a nice person will help.  I think this bothers me the most because if you know you have to deal with stairs then you should be able to handle your stroller without help.  If I know I'm going to take the train I make sure to use stations that have elevators.  I have a link to the MTA website on my phone that has a list of all the stations with elevators in the city.  I also try not to take the rain during rush hour with my crazy big stroller, or, I just take the baby in the carrier so I don't have to worry about all that.

5) Non stroller owners please be considerate too: Now that I have ranted about all the things parents don't take into consideration when they are out with their strollers, here is a little something for everyone else....It is usually easier to get around with a stroller because there is just so much stuff you need to shlep around if your going to be out for several hours.  While I try hard to be considerate about the amount of space I take up please remember that you should be considerate too.  Too many times people have just stood and watched while I struggle opening doors, or just don't move when I try to get by even though I'm being considerate and not running you over with my monster truck stroller...Please have some etiquette too..

When it comes down to it, if everyone was just a bit nicer and used some etiquette this city would be a much happier place to have a stroller...