Wednesday, February 29, 2012

To Relax? or Wash the Dishes? That's the Question...

Yesterday, after a very rigorous play time at Gymboree I came home with my son and he napped for 3 glorious hours.  During the first hour or so of his nap I sat and got my social network on. I checked my Facebook, liked some statuses, commented on pictures.  I updated my Google+ picture and added a video.  I checked and replied to a couple of emails.  I also logged onto my twitter account and posted a tweet.  I tweeted "my munchkin is taking a nice long nap.. it gives me time to be on the computer when I really should be doing dishes..."  I felt compelled to tweet this because as I was getting my social network on I looked up at the dishes a couple of times thinking to myself that maybe I should take advantage of this time to do the dishes.  As this thought went through my head for like the 3rd or 4th time someone responded to my tweet, someone named Amanda tweeted back "Nothing wrong with that :)"  At that moment I wanted to yell (but I didn't because I would have woke up my son) "that's right there is nothing wrong with that!!!!" 

I feel like parents who stay home full time tend to put all this pressure on themselves to be this super mom or dad.  We get up every morning and start our day with feeding the baby, getting them dressed, & playing with them.  In between all of that you have to find the time to shower, get yourself dressed, eat (this is key, we tend to forget this until we are on the floor dying of hunger), and whatever else needs to get done.  Most of the time you haven't done anything for yourself because your waiting for them to take a nap so you can get yourself ready without interruptions...  There is nothing like trying to do your hair and makeup while attempting to entertain your 6 month old son.  What normally takes 10 maybe 15 minutes tops, can take 30-45 minutes...  I have to be a master multi-tasker, and when there is a time of the day that I can relax and do one thing at time its a gift.  If I'm really in a rush I'll stream video of the cartoon Pocoyo on my iPad for my son to watch.  I have become a pro at doing things in 7 minute increments because that is how long each cartoon lasts.  Of course I feel like a horrible parent that needs to put my child in front of the TV to get things done, but if I'm going to make it to places on time and get things done I need to give in sometimes...

When it comes down to it I try to balance my time as much as possible.  Some time for me, some time for my son, and some time for the dishes... If I need more time for me or him the dishes can wait for my husband to come

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