Thursday, December 1, 2011

Some Advice for New Moms

For 9 months I felt my baby grow inside of me and I prepared for his arrival.  I read books, did research online, talked to my friends with children, and asked my mother many many questions.

When I came home with my son I still couldn't believe that I finally had my baby.  I tried to remember everything I read about being a new mom, and all the advice people gave me.

Of all the advice from family, friends, books & websites there where 5 things that I was told by almost everyone:
  • Sleep when your baby sleeps.
  • Ask for help.
  • Don't freak out if he gets a fever.
  • Don't forget to eat.
  • Follow your instincts
All of this advice is great and should be followed, but I came to find out that when you have a baby, life is very unpredictable.  This is my experience...

Sleep When your baby sleeps:
  • I was very lucky to have my husband home for the first two weeks.  This made it very easy to take naps because I knew that I could take real naps without out interruption.  Once my husband went back to work I did take a nap here and there when my son was sleeping but it became difficult because I wanted to clean up, organize baby stuff, and I just wasn't always tired when he was asleep (I'm not much of a napper).  Eventually my husband and I came up with and overnight schedule that allowed me to sleep for at least 4-5 hours straight and that gave me a good amount of energy to last most of the day.  It's important that you rest because you need to have energy for your baby, but we all know that life gets in the way so make sure you give yourself time to relax even if you don't sleep.
Ask for help:
  •  This is a big one that I had no problem with.  Asking for help is so important because if you try to do everything on your own you will drive yourself crazy.  I made sure to let my husband know what I needed from him, and I was so lucky to have my parents around whenever I needed them.  My mother and my sister work close to me and came over to help whenever I asked.  My mom even came over once during her lunch break so I could take a shower (I wasn't comfortable leaving the baby alone yet)  Ask for help its so important for your own mental health.
Don't freak out if he gets a fever:
  •  One of my girlfriends told me that I shouldn't freak out the first time my son gets a fever.  I was sure that I wouldn't because I knew that a baby's temperature can range anywhere between 97-100.4 degrees.  Then my son got his vaccination shots, and that night he became feverish.  With all my logic and good sense I freaked out.  The doctor told me that I shouldn't worry because it was normal for him to get a fever and if I wanted I could give him baby Tylenol.  After getting 4 shots I didn't want to give my son anymore medicine.  I stayed up all night checking his temperature every 30 min and keeping him cool.  His temperature never went above 100 and he hasn't had a temperature since.  My advice is to do what is comfortable for you, and my sister-in-law says if you give them some baby Tylenol before that vaccination appointment you can avoid the fever all together.
Don't forget to eat:
  • This is easier said then done.  I never forgot to eat, I just didn't always have a chance.  Eating is important because you need to have the energy to take care of your child, and you need nourishment so you can breastfeeding.  I live near a great supermarket but it is not stroller friendly and I can't carry much if I have the baby in the carrier.  Don't feel bad about ordering food now and then, and try to prepare food when the baby is sleeping not just for that moment but for later too.  Its much easier and faster to just reheat something.  These days my husband does most of the food shopping, and on slow days at work he comes home and cooks me lunch.
Follow your instincts:
  • Any mother (especially yours) will tell you to follow your instincts, when it comes down to it this is so true.  Books can only tell you so much, and in the end you need to relay of your feelings.  Every baby is different and what works for some baby's might not work for yours.  My instincts always tell me to stay calm because I am sure my son can feel how I feel.  I know that he doesn't always feel good and I don't want my feelings to make him panic.  I truly think that my son is so chill because I am so calm around him.
Every woman has a different experience when they bring their baby home, good luck and remember to take some time out for yourself..