Thursday, March 8, 2012

Addicted to Yarn..

I think it's very important for people to have a hobby.  Hobbies allow people to relax and get away in their own little world of fun and relaxation.  Some people like to rock climb, others collect things, I crochet.  I have been crocheting for almost 10 years and it has become my way to tune out and just think about one thing, my yarn.  I know this sounds crazy but I believe that all of my yarn has a destiny (I know I sound like Phoebe from friends).  You have to see it from my perspective one moment I have a basket of yarn, and in a couple of hours, days, or weeks you have something that no longer looks like a ball of yarn.  I now have have a blanket, sweater, hat or doll and my yarn has reached its destiny.

My friends have told me that I should sell what I make, but I mostly enjoy making things as gifts. I love to give baby blankets at baby showers or a hat and scarf for Christmas I feel that a gift is much more special if you make it.  These days I love to make stuff for my son. I've made him a blanket, several hats, dolls and with my new loom I've made him burping cloths.

If your not familiar with the yarn arts you might not know the difference between knitting and crocheting. Knitting requires 2 straight needles and crocheting is one needle with a hook at the end. They both produce very different results. People always ask if I'm a knitter, I wish I could knit as well as I crocheted but sadly I don't. What I have started doing is weaving. Martha Stewart hooked up (no pun intended) with Lion Brand Yarn and now has her own line of yarn. She also created and awesome loom that allows you to weave and knit. While I have not figured out how to knit yet, I have been weaving away. So far I have started a baby blanket, an apron, and I have made 4 burping cloths. Weaving has been so much fun and I plan to start making a large blanket.

When people think about a women who knit or crochet they think of the grandma who makes ugly sweaters for her grandchildren; I am not that old lady yet.  I know that crocheting will always be part of my life.  One day I will be that grandma making sweaters for my grandchildren, I'm hoping they won't be ugly...

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