Rules of etiquette are usually unwritten so unfortunately people tend not to have much etiquette, manners or consideration for others. I actually grew up in a home where my parents stressed good manners, and consideration for others. Of course they taught me to say please and thank you, but the also taught me to be mind full and considerate of the people around me.
When something new enters our society, like cell phones a whole new set of unspoken rules are written (unspoken being the operative word). What I've come to fund out is that people don't have the good sense to know or follow these rules, they don't even realize that they are being rude. For instance (and this is my biggest pet peeve) if your listening to music and you start to talk to someone, don't just turn off your music take off your headphones. I feel this basic phone etiquette and is especially important when you are ordering something like food or coffee; give the people who are serving you the respect of your attention.
These days strollers are ginormous, I am also guilty of having one. I think the difference between myself and a lot of women out there is that I am perfectly aware that my stroller takes up way too much space and I do my best to get out of peoples way. Most of the time this is what I see.
1) The stroller wall: 3-4 women lined up next to each other walking down the street blocking everyone else from being able to get by. 2 women walking together takes up space, but when you get the wall there is just no place to go.
2) Stroller Block: Women who leave their stroller somewhere in the aisle of a store blocking everything. This is particularly fun at the 74th Street Fairway where this isn't even room the people shopping with small baskets.
3) Stroller right of way: blocking the sidewalk with your stroller and not allowing the person with the stroller in the street to get on the sidewalk first. This has to do with safety, now that I can block the path of people with my Cadillac of strollers I make sure to give people who are in the street the right of way especially other people with strollers and children.
4) Help me face: Women take their very large strollers to places that have stairs, like the train. If there is no elevator I've seen women linger at the bottom of the stairs hoping a nice person will help. I think this bothers me the most because if you know you have to deal with stairs then you should be able to handle your stroller without help. If I know I'm going to take the train I make sure to use stations that have elevators. I have a link to the MTA website on my phone that has a list of all the stations with elevators in the city. I also try not to take the rain during rush hour with my crazy big stroller, or, I just take the baby in the carrier so I don't have to worry about all that.
5) Non stroller owners please be considerate too: Now that I have ranted about all the things parents don't take into consideration when they are out with their strollers, here is a little something for everyone else....It is usually easier to get around with a stroller because there is just so much stuff you need to shlep around if your going to be out for several hours. While I try hard to be considerate about the amount of space I take up please remember that you should be considerate too. Too many times people have just stood and watched while I struggle opening doors, or just don't move when I try to get by even though I'm being considerate and not running you over with my monster truck stroller...Please have some etiquette too..
When it comes down to it, if everyone was just a bit nicer and used some etiquette this city would be a much happier place to have a stroller...
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