Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Riverside Park

Websit: Riverside Park
158th street  - 58th street on the Hudson

Contact Information:
Riverside Park Fund Office
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 455
New York, NY 10115
24hours 7days a week

For more information about the Riverside Park & special events click on the link above.
Riverside Park which spans from 158th street to 58th street is a Westsider's favorite park if they are interested in a straight run or bike ride, you can go for miles up or down the Hudson.  If you’re an avid skateboarder or roller blader, you can try out the ramps at the skate park on 108th street.  If you’re a parent with small or older children, you can spend time at one of the many playgrounds available.  Dog lovers have their choice of dog parks (dog owners guide to Riverside park available online), and if you want to have a bit to eat and a drink you can always go to the Boat Basin on 79th street or the Peir-i Café which is right in front of Peir-I near the 72nd street entrance located in the part of the park which is considered Riverside Park South.  I can’t forget all of my athletes, there are also basketball courts, soccer & baseball fields located throughout the park. 

It is Riverside Park South (72nd street – 58th street) that I would like to focus on.  This happens to be my favorite part of the park, and what I consider the most beautiful part of the park.  The landscaping is beautifully done with wild grass, flowers and many weeping willow trees.  There are sculptures located throughout this strip and many places to sit and relax or watch the sun set.  Bikes are not allowed throughout this part of the park, which makes it an ideal walk for you and your family.  There are many spots of grass to sit and have a picnic, or if you prefer there are picnic tables and high top tables for your use.  There is even a small patch of turf if front of an old steam train, a perfect place to have a play date or birthday party with your little ones.  The only down side to this part of the park is the lack of bathrooms, the closest bathroom is around 70th street right behind the Peir-i Cafe.

You can always get online and look up all of the special Summer on the Hudson events happening all summer long at Riverside Park.  You can find information about palates, yoga, movies, bike tours, kayaking, tai chi and so much more.

If your on the westside and you looking for something to do, walk over to Riverside Park and enjoy all it has to offer.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Edamame Spa @ Destination Maternity

Website:  Edamamespa
28 East 57th Street, New York, NY 10022

Contact Information:
(212) 588-1990
Monday - Friday 10:00-8:00
Saturday - 10:00-7:00
Sunday - 12:00-6:00

The Edamame Spa is located on the Lower Level of Destination Maternity.  They provide all types of services such as facials, massages, body treatments, and enhancements.  While they cater to pregnant women, you don't have to be pregnant to enjoy their services.

For more information about the services provided and prices click on the link above
I am currently in the 8th month of my pregnancy and I thought I would treat myself to a full body massage since I am in the most uncomfortable part of my pregnancy.  I thought that I would share my experience with you because pregnant or not, all women should treat themselves every now and then.  The last time I was at Destination Maternity I asked for a tour of the spa and was given a coupon for $20 dollars off, so what would have been a $130 massage + tax became a $113 massage.  So I recommend going and getting a tour so you can get the coupon and make your appointment.

Before I go into describing my experience I would like to say that the women who work there are very nice, service was fantastic, and the massage was exactly what I needed; not to mention the best massage I've ever had.

My Experience:
When I walked in the ambiance was very relaxing, the lights were low, there was clamming music and the sound of a waterfall. After filling out some basic paper work I was shown the waiting room which has juices, water and yummy Luna bars. I was then directed to the dressing room where I was given a locker, a cotton robe and slippers.   I was early so I was offered a complementary foot soak. When I went into the waiting room the foot soak was set up and waiting for me. Now as a New Yorker that likes to do five things at once and is always on the go I had no problem adjusting to all this relaxation and pampering. I had no problem leaving my phone in my locker (there is no signal anyway) and just  reading a magazine while I soaked my feet.  After about 10 minutes of reading and drinking my juice one of the women came in with a lovely foot scrub and quickly scrubbed my feet, it was great.

Now let's talk massage.... They have many options and you don't have to be pregnant to come in and get a massage, so all you women out there who have pregnant friends this is  a great gift and excuse to get a massage for yourself.

I decided to get a full body 50 minute mommy to be massage, and it was heaven. There are two ways to get a massage if your pregnant. You can do it on your side with a really comfortable body pillow or they have this cushion with a space for your belly so you can lay face down. They suggest being on your side if your in your third trimester.

Before beginning my masseuse asked me where I wanted her to focus and how much pressure I preferred before getting started. All I can say is that spot on the lower left side of my back feels so good right now and I didn't realize that I had so much tension in my shoulders. She started off massaging the right side of my body, moved on the to left side and then adjusted the table like a reclining chair so I could be on my back (I need one of those tables). She then gently rubbed Mama Mio citrus belly butter all over my belly and massaged my shoulders some more.  She had an amazing touch and applied just the right amount of pressure.

After my massage I went back to the waiting room had some water, a chocolate brownie Luna bar and just relaxed some more. I've never enjoyed relaxing so much in my life and I was afraid they were going to have to throw me out.  I absolutely plan on going back after having my baby for a postnatal massage and maybe even a facial..

The Brooklyn Muesum

Website: brooklynmuseum.org
200 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, New York 11238-6052
Monday and Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday - 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Thursday - 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Friday—Sunday - 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
First Saturday of Each Month - 11 a.m. – 11 p.m. See Schedule

The Brooklyn Museum has a suggested contribution of $10 for adults and $6 for Seniors and Students with valid I.D. Members and children under 12 accompanied by an adult are admitted for free.

Special Events: 
First Saturdays - On the first Saturday of every month there is an evening of free events sponsored by Target which start at 5pm and end at 11pm.
Thursdays @7 - The Brooklyn Museum is open until 10pm every Thursday.  Visitors are allowed to continue touring the galleries and enjoy the weekly event.  These events include, interviews, performances, films & tours.

For more information about the Brooklyn Museum just click on the link above.


Today I will be exploring the Brooklyn Museum with one of my oldest and best friends, Lia.  As a teacher I have gone to the Brooklyn Museum many times with my 6th grade class for our unit on Ancient Egypt.  The Egypt collection and the Brooklyn Museum is wonderful and not overwhelming.  They have artifacts ranging from Predynastic Egypt to the New Kingdom.  My favorite artifact is the Book of the Dead, which was considered very important to have in your tomb to help you get through to the afterlife.
While the mummies, canopic jars, and coffins are fun and interesting, you will also find several well place interactive and kid friendly computers to help your little ones learn more about the Ancient Egyptian artifacts.

Since I have been to the Egypt section so many times, today I will be exploring other parts of the museum that I have not seen before.  Please join me on my journey to the Brooklyn Museum, and I hope after reading this you'll make plans to take a journey into Brooklyn to see this wonderful museum for yourself.

Today's visit took me to many parts of the museum that I have never been before.  We started on the 5th floor where we visited the American Identities exhibit in the Luce Center For American Art.

 On that same floor we found the Visible Storage - Study Center. While the American Identities exhibit was wonderful, the Visible Storage felt like we found a hidden closet of art that we were sneaking into.
 Next we made our way down to the 4th floor Where we found the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art.  In this section we found the The Dinner Party by Judy Chicago.  This installment had two parts, the table settings which represented 39 women and the timeline which represented 999 women.  In all 1,038 women in history were represented.  I would have to say that this was my favorite exhibit, it was not only beautiful it was powerful.

I would not recommend these exhibits for young children, I don't think they would find them very interesting but there are many programs for both young children and teens that can be found on the Brooklyn Museum website.  I had a wonderful time visiting the Brooklyn Museum and I hope this post will inspire you to go enjoy it for yourself. 

Extra Info for Mom’s: The Brooklyn Museum is very breast feeding friendly.  The bathrooms on the 1st floor and 3rd floor have seating areas and is a great place to go if you need to take a break an feed.  The Café is also a great place to go and have snack while feeding.